class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # TD1 - Chaînes de Markov à temps discret ### Marie-Pierre Etienne ### October, 2023 --- # Compartmental models in epidemiology --- # Overview of compartmental models Compartmental models are used to propose simple dynamic mathematical models in - epidemiology, - pharmaco Kinetic, pharmaco dynamic, - hydrology, - etc ... Main idea : representing the whole system as a succession of homogeneous boxes and describing the flow between different boxes <div class="figure"> <img src="Compart1.png" alt="Exemple of compartmental models" width="300px" /> <p class="caption">Exemple of compartmental models</p> </div> --- name: model # Modelling example --- template: model <div class="figure"> <img src="Compart1.png" alt="Exemple of compartmental models" width="300px" /> <p class="caption">Exemple of compartmental models</p> </div> `\begin{align*} \frac{\partial X}{\partial t} & = - \alpha X(t) \cr \frac{\partial Y}{\partial t} & = \alpha X(t) -\delta Y(t) \cr \frac{\partial Z}{\partial t} & = \delta Y(t) \cr \end{align*}` --- template: model ## Kermack–McKendrick Epidemic Model: SIR model <div class="figure"> <img src="SIR.png" alt="Exemple of compartmental models" width="300px" /> <p class="caption">Exemple of compartmental models</p> </div> `\begin{align*} \frac{\partial S}{\partial t} & = - \lambda S(t) I(t) \cr \frac{\partial I}{\partial t} & = \lambda S(t) I(t) -\gamma I(t) \cr \frac{\partial R}{\partial t} & = \gamma I(t) \cr \end{align*}` --- template: model ## Kermack–McKendrick Epidemic Model: SIR model In proportion, setting `\(s =S/N\)`, `\(i= I/N\)` and `\(r=R/N\)`. Assumption : close population, i.e. `\(s+i+r=1\)` at all time. `\begin{align*} \frac{\partial s}{\partial t} & = - \tilde{\lambda} s(t) i(t) \cr \frac{\partial i}{\partial t} & = \tilde{\lambda} s(t) i(t) -\tilde{\gamma} i(t) \cr \frac{\partial r}{\partial t} & = \tilde{\gamma} i(t) \cr \end{align*}` with `\(\tilde{\lambda}=\lambda N\)` and `\(\tilde{\gamma}=\gamma\)`. --- template: model ## The threshold phenomenon and `\(R_0\)` `\begin{align*} \frac{\partial s}{\partial t} & = - \beta s(t) i(t) \cr \frac{\partial i}{\partial t} & = (\beta s(t) - \gamma )i(t) \cr \frac{\partial r}{\partial t} & = \gamma i(t) \cr \end{align*}` - If `\((\beta s(t) - \gamma ) \leq 0\)`, i.e `\(s(t) \leq \gamma / \beta\)`, then `\(\frac{\partial i}{\partial t}\leq 0\)` and the disease vanishes, - `\(R_0=\beta/\gamma\)` is the basic reproduction rate. If `\(R_0>1\)` the disease Is spreading. --- template: model ## Solution to SIR model Numerical simulation using Euler approximation : `\begin{align*} s(t+\Delta_t) - s(t) & = - \beta s(t) i(t) \Delta_t\cr i(t+\Delta_t) - i(t) & = (\beta s(t) - \gamma )i(t) \Delta_t \cr r(t+\Delta_t) - r(t) & = \gamma i(t) \Delta_t \cr \end{align*}` --- template: model ## Discrete time version of SIR `\begin{align*} s_{t+1} & = s_t (1- \beta i_t) \cr i_{t+1} & = (1 + \beta s_t - \gamma )i_t \cr r_{t+1} & = r_t + \gamma i_t \cr \end{align*}` -- <img src="TD1_files/figure-html/discrete_sim-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- template: model ## Discrete time version of SIR Changing the parameters <img src="TD1_files/figure-html/discrete_sim2-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- template: model ## Discrete time version of SIR `\begin{align*} s_{t+1} & = s_t (1- \beta i_t) \cr i_{t+1} & = (1 + \beta s_t - \gamma )i_t \cr r_{t+1} & = r_t + \gamma i_t \cr \end{align*}` <img src="TD1_files/figure-html/discrete_sim3-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- name: SIR # Stochastic approaches of Compartmental models --- template: SIR ## Why considering stochastic model ? - Interested in variability not only in average behaviour - Prediction of the probability of extinction due to a disease (mutation, ....) -- ## A very first simple SI model - discrete time SI model - back to the S compartment in one time generation (back to S compartment) - every infected individual has a probability `\(p\)` to infect a susceptible. At time 0, `\(I(0)=1\)` and `\(S(0)=5\)` -- * Why is it `\((I(t), t\geq 0)\)` a Markov chain? * What is the state space ? * Write the transition matrix and the initial probability. * Is there a stationary distribution ? --- template: SIR ## A first simple model : Reed and Frost Originally by Lowell Reed and Wade Hampton Frost, of Johns Hopkins University in 1920's. - discrete time SIR model - recovering in one time generation - every infected individual has a probability `\(pI\)` to infect a susceptible. * How to model the dynamic ? * Find the Markov chain of the story, * Write a R function to simulate this Markov chain with parameter `\(pI\)` and `\(nGen\)`, * How to numerically get the stationary distribution if it exists `\(N = 200,\)` `\(I(0) \sim \mathcal{U}nif(\left\lbrace{1,2, ....30}\right\rbrace), R(0)=0,\)` `\(pI = 0.02\)` * Distribution of `\(I(1)\)` ? --- template: SIR ## A first simple model : Reed and Frost ```r simReedFrost <- function(S0, I0, R0=0, pI, nGen, sim = 1){ S <- I <- R <- rep(NA, nGen) S[1] <- S0; I[1] <- I0; R[1] <- R0 for( g in 2:nGen){ S[g] <- rbinom(size=S[g-1], n = 1, prob = (1-pI)^I[g-1]) I[g] <- S[g-1]-S[g] R[g] <- R[g-1]+I[g-1] } return(data.frame(s=S, i=I, r=R, gen=1:nGen, sim=rep(sim, nGen))) } ``` --- template: SIR ## A first simple model : Reed and Frost <img src="TD1_files/figure-html/reed_frost_sim1, -1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- template: SIR ## Impact of parameters - Study the role of the initial conditions - What is quantity corresponding to `\(R_0\)` in the deterministic case ? --- template: SIR ## Link between stochastic and deterministic SIR model : the Reed and Frost example $$ S_t - S_{t+1}\sim \mathcal{B}in(S_t, (1-p_I)^{I_t})$$ Then `$$\mathbb{E}(S_{t+1}-S_t) = S_t \left[(1-p_I)^{I_t}- 1\right]$$` -- If `\(p_I\)` is small enough `\((1-p_I)^{I_t}- 1\approx p_I I_t\)` and therefore $$\mathbb{E}(S_{t+1}-S_t) \approx S_t p_I I_t $$ --- template: SIR ## Stochastic version of Kermack–McKendrick Model Using the Reef Frost model but changing the recovering system. At each time step, infected has a probability `\(p_R\)` to recover - Describe the evolution of `\(S,I,R\)`. - write the corresponding R function --- template: SIR ## Stochastic version of Kermack–McKendrick Model ```r simKMac <- function(S0, I0, R0=0, pI, pR, nGen, sim=1){ S <- I <- R <- rep(NA, nGen) N <- S0+I0+R0 S[1] <- S0; I[1] <- I0; R[1] <- R0 for( g in 2:nGen){ S[g] <- rbinom(size=S[g-1], n = 1, prob = (1-pI)^I[g-1]) R[g] <- R[g-1]+ rbinom(size=I[g-1], n = 1, prob = pR ) I[g] <- N-R[g]-S[g] } return(data.frame(s=S, i=I, r=R, gen=1:nGen, sim=rep(sim, nGen))) } ``` --- template: SIR ## Stochastic version of Kermack–McKendrick Model simulation <!-- --> --- template: SIR ## Link between stochastic and deterministic SIR model : the Reed and Frost example `$$S_t - S_{t+1}\sim \mathcal{B}in(S_t, (1-p_I)^{I_t})$$` `$$R_{t+1}-R_t\sim \mathcal{B}in(I_t, p_R)$$` Then `$$\mathbb{E}(S_{t+1}-S_t) = - S_t \left[(1-p_I)^{I_t}- 1\right],\quad \mathbb{E}(R_{t+1}-R_t) = I_t p_R$$` -- If `\(p_I\)` is small enough `\((1-p_I)^{I_t}- 1\approx p_I I_t\)` and therefore $$\mathbb{E}(S_{t+1}-S_t) \approx S_t p_I I_t $$ Therefore, by analogy `$$\beta\approx p_I \quad \mbox{and}\quad \gamma=p_R$$` --- # Waiting time on the bird feeder .pull-left[ <img src="Large-bird-feeder-510x765.jpg" width="200px" /> We assume that every second a bird stays on the feeder with probability `\(p_F\)` and leaves with probability `\(1-p_F\)`. At every second a new bird arrives with probability `\(p_A\)` and left if no spot is available. We consider a feeder with 5 spots and denote `\(N(t)\)` the number of birds on the feeder at time `\(t\)` (t in second). ] -- .pull-right[ * how to model `\(N(t)\)` ? * what is the state space ? * write the transition matrix, * what is the chance to see at least one bird on the feeder when coming at random ? * What is the sojourn time of a bird on the feeder ? * what is the expected waiting time for a bird * arriving when 5 birds are on the feeder ? * arriving when at least one spot is free ? * Using simulations, verify your results. ] --- # Waiting time on the bird feeder Try to develop a model for a feeder with a waiting area and enjoy it on simulation, (think about how to deal with waiting birds, and competition between wainting birds and arriving birds) Enjoy it on simulation