Principal Component Analysis

Marie-Pierre Etienne



The Example of Doubs River Characteristics

We measured the physico-chemical characteristics at 30 different sites along the Doubs River .

The first 4 rows (out of 30) of the doubs.env dataset

# A tibble: 30 × 11
    das   alt   pen   deb    pH   dur   pho   nit   amm   oxy   dbo
  <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1   0.3   934  48    0.84   7.9    45  0.01  0.2   0     12.2   2.7
2   2.2   932   3    1      8      40  0.02  0.2   0.1   10.3   1.9
3  10.2   914   3.7  1.8    8.3    52  0.05  0.22  0.05  10.5   3.5
4  18.5   854   3.2  2.53   8      72  0.1   0.21  0     11     1.3
# ℹ 26 more rows

How can we best visualize these data to reveal the relationships between variables and identify similarities between sites?

  • das: distance to the source (\(km\)),
  • alt: altitude (\(m\)),
  • pen: slope (elevation change per 1000m),
  • deb: flow rate (\(m^3.s^{-1}\)),
  • pH: water pH,
  • dur: calcium concentration (\(mg.L^{-1}\)),
  • pho: phosphate concentration (\(mg.L^{-1}\)),
  • nit: nitrate concentration (\(mg.L^{-1}\)),
  • amn: ammonium concentration (\(mg.L^{-1}\)),
  • oxy: dissolved oxygen concentration (\(mg.L^{-1}\)),
  • dbo: Biological Oxygen Demand (\(mg.L^{-1}\)).

The Example of Penguin Morphology

We measured the morphological characteristics of various penguins:

The first 6 rows (out of 333) of the penguins dataset

# A tibble: 333 × 4
  bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm body_mass_g
           <dbl>         <dbl>             <int>       <int>
1           39.1          18.7               181        3750
2           39.5          17.4               186        3800
3           40.3          18                 195        3250
4           36.7          19.3               193        3450
5           39.3          20.6               190        3650
6           38.9          17.8               181        3625
# ℹ 327 more rows

How can we best visualize these data to reveal the relationships between variables and identify similarities between individuals?

  • bill_length_mm: bill length,
  • bill_depth_mm: bill depth,
  • flipper_length_mm: flipper length,
  • body_mass_g: body mass.



  • For each individual \(i\), we measured \(p\) different variables.
  • For each variable \(k\), we measured \(n\) individuals.

The data are arranged in a table with \(n\) rows and \(p\) columns.

We denote \(x_{ik}\) as the value measured for variable \(k\) on individual \(i\),


  • \(x_{\bullet k} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n x_{ik}\) as the mean value of variable \(k\),
  • \(s_k = \sqrt{\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n (x_{ik}-x_{\bullet k})^2}\) as the standard deviation of variable \(k\).

The Same Question in Various Fields

  • Sensory analysis: score of descriptor \(k\) for product \(i\)
  • Economics: value of indicator \(k\) for year \(i\)
  • Genomics: gene expression \(k\) for patient/sample \(i\)
  • Marketing: satisfaction index \(k\) for brand \(i\)


We have \(p\) variables measured on \(n\) individuals, and we want to visualize these data to understand the relationships between variables and the proximity between individuals.

Seeing is Understanding: How to Represent the Information Contained in This Table?

Idea 1: Represent the relationships between variables 2 by 2

Seeing is Understanding: How to Represent the Information Contained in This Table?

Idea 1: Represent the relationships between variables 2 by 2

We lose information on the other axes.

Seeing is Understanding: How to Represent the Information Contained in This Table?

Idea 1: Represent the relationships between variables 2 by 2

Seeing is Understanding: How to Represent the Information Contained in This Table?


  • Represent without losing too much information
  • Ideally, individuals far apart in the initial cloud remain far apart in the representation.

What We Need:

  • Quantify the information loss in the representation
  • Build the representation that loses the least amount of information


  • Potentially, Make variables expressed in different units comparable

Distance and Inertia

Distance between individuals

Let \(X_{i,.}^\intercal \in \R^d\) be the descriptions of individual \(i\). To quantify the distance between indivuals we might used the Euclidian distance in \(\R^d,\)

\[d(i, j)^2 = \sum_{k=1}^d (x_{ik} - x_{jk})^2 = \norm{X_{i,.}^\intercal - X_{i,.}^\intercal}^2 = \left({X_{i,.}^\intercal - X_{i,.}^\intercal}\right)^\intercal \left({X_{i,.}^\intercal - X_{i,.}^\intercal}\right). \]

This could be misleading when dealing with different variables with different scale.

Example in the penguins dataset

Body mass varies form 2700 to 6300, while flipper length varies from 172 to 231.

Variable Body mass will contribute more to the distance between individuals.

Specify a different metric


A metric in \(\R^d\), \(M\) is a definite positive symmetric \(\R^{d\times d}\) matrix which can be used to define distance between individuals

\[d_M(i, j)^2 = \norm{X_{i,.}^\intercal - X_{i,.}^\intercal}^2_M = \left({X_{i,.}^\intercal - X_{i,.}^\intercal}\right)^\intercal M \left({X_{i,.}^\intercal - X_{i,.}^\intercal}\right).\]

  • If \(M=I_d\),

\(d_M\) is the classical Euclidian distance

  • Get rid of the units used for the variables and attribute the same weight to all variables by choosing

\(M = \begin{pmatrix} \frac{1}{s_1^2} & &0 & \cr & \frac{1}{s_2^2} & & \cr &0 & \ddots & \cr &&& \frac{1}{s_d^2} \cr \end{pmatrix} = D_{1/s^2}\)

with \(s_k^2=\sum_{i=1}^n (x_{ik} - x_{.k})^2,\) \(x_{.k} =\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n x_{ik}\)


The distance defined with \(D_{1/s^2}\) is the same than the distance defined on centred and scaled variables with the identity matrix.

In the following, we will assume that \(X\) is the matrix of centred and scaled variables.

Dispersion measure: Inertia with respect to a point


Inertia (denomination derived from moments of inertia in Physics) with respect to a point \(a \in R^{d},\) according to metric \(M\): \[I_a = \sum_{i=1}^n \norm{X_{i,.}^\intercal - a}_M^2\]

  • Inertia around the centroïd \(G\) (center of gravity of the cloud) plays a central role in Principal Component Analysis:

\(G = (x_{.,1}, \cdots, x_{.,d})^\intercal\) and \(I_G = min_{a\in \R^d} I_a\)


Assume, we deal with centred scaled variables:

\(I_G = \sum_{i=1}^n \norm{X_{i,.}^\intercal - G}^2 = \sum_{i=1}^n \class{rouge}{\sum_{k=1}^d} (x_{ik} - x_{.,k})^2 = \class{rouge}{\sum_{k=1}^d} \sum_{i=1}^n (x_{ik} - x_{.,k})^2.\)

As the variables are scaled, \(\sum_{i=1}^n (x_{ik} - x_{.,k})^2 = n s^2_k = n.\) and \(I_G=nd.\)

Total inertia with scaled centred variables is \(nd\)

Dispersion measure: Inertia with respect to a affine subspace


Inertia with respect to an affine subspace \(S\) according to metric \(M\): \(I_S = \sum_{i=1}^n d_M(X_{i,.}, S)^2\)

Huygens theorem states that if \(S^G\) stands for the affine subspace containing \(G\) and parallel to \(S\) then \[I_S = I_{S^G} + d_M^2(a, G),\] where \(a\) is the orthogonal projection of \(G\) on \(S\).

The affine subspace \(S\) which minimizes inertia is \(S^G\).

Inertia Decomposition

Since, variables are centred \(G=\mathbb{0}\), \(I=\sum_{i=1}^n d(X_{i,.},0)^2.\)

Let \(S\) be an affine subspace and \(U=S^\intercal,\) \(X^S_{i,.}\) (recip. \(X^S_{i,.})\)) the orthogonal projection on \(S\) (recip. on \(U\)).

As \(d(X_{i,.},0)^2 = d(X^S_{i,.},0)^2 + d(X^U_{i,.},0)^2\), \(I=I_S + I_{S^\intercal}\)


\(I_S\) is the dispersion of the dataset lost by projection on \(S\),

while \(I_{S^\intercal}\) is the dispersion of the dataset projected on \(S\).


Identifying \((U_1, U_d)\) a sequence of orthogonal unitary vectors such that \(I_{U_1}\leq I_{U_2}\leq \cdots \leq I_{U_d}\).

The projection on \(U_1\) is the best projection of the dataset in one dimension, \(U_1\) define the first Principal Component.

Inertia: useful representation

Let \(x_i= X_{i,.}^\intercal\), (recall that \(X_{i,}\) is a row vector and \(x_i\) is the corresponding column vector).

\[\begin{align} I & = \sum_{i}^n d^2(X_{i,.}, 0) = \sum_{i}^n \norm{X_{i,.}}\\ & = \sum_{i}^n x_i^\intercal x_i \cr & = tr(\sum_{i}^n x_i^\intercal x_i) \cr & = tr(\sum_{i}^n x_i x_i^\intercal ) \cr & = tr(X^\intercal X) \cr \end{align}\]


  • \(X^\intercal X\) is the covariance matrix of the \(d\) variables,

  • \(X^\intercal X\) is a symmetric \(\R^{d\times d}\) matrix, and the corresponding SVD

\[X^\intercal X = \left ( P D Q^\intercal \right )^\intercal \left ( P D Q^\intercal \right ) = Q D P^\intercal P D Q^\intercal = Q D^2 Q^\intercal.\]

  • \(I= tr(X^\intercal X) = tr(Q D^2 Q^\intercal) = tr(Q^\intercal Q D ) = tr( D ) = \sum_{k=1}^d \sigma^2_k,\)
    where \(\sigma^2_k\) stands for the k\(^{th}\) eigen value.

Principal Components Construction

Identifying \(U_1\)

Consider \(I_{\Delta_{U}}\) the inertia with respect to \(\Delta_{U}\) affine subspace containing \(G\) with directed bu the unitary vector \(U\).

\(I_{\Delta_{U}}\) is the cost of the projection on \(\Delta_{U}\), i.e the loss information.

Minimizing \(I_{\Delta_{U}}\) equals maximizing \(I_{\Delta_{U^T}}\), i.e the dispersion of the projected set of data points.

Projection on \(U\)

\(d(X_{i,}, U^\intercal)^2= \left ( x_i \dot U^\intercal \right )^2 = \left ( X_i^\intercal U \right )^2 = cos(\theta)^2 \norm{x_i}^2 ,\)

So that \[\begin{align} I_{\Delta_{U^\intercal}} & = \sum_{i=1}^n d(X_{i,}, U^\intercal)^2 \cr & = \norm{X U}^2 \cr & = U^\intercal X^\intercal X U\cr & = U^\intercal Q D^2 Q^\intercal U\cr \end{align}\]

But \(U^\intercal Q = \begin{pmatrix} U^\intercal Q_{.,1}, \cdots, U^\intercal Q_{.,d})\end{pmatrix}\) Is the coordinate of the unitary vector \(U\) on the basis defined by the eigen vector of \(X\): \(\omega_1 q_1 + \cdots + \omega_d q_d,\) such that \(\sum_k \omega_k^2=1\)

\(I_{\Delta_{U^\intercal}} = \sum_{k=1}^d \omega_k \sigma^2_k.\)

Maximizing \(I_{\Delta_{U^\intercal}}\), as \(\sigma^2_k\) are in decreasing order, consists in choosing \(\omega_1=1\)

Principal Components

Consider the sequence of eigen vectors in \(Q\), they

  • form an orthonormal basis,
  • are ordered according their corresponding eigen values.

From a mathematical point of view, PCA consist in using this new basis.


  • Define \(d\) new variables \(C_1, \cdots, C_d,\) which are Linear combination of initial variables, i.e \(C_j = \sum_{k= 1}^d q_{jk} V_k\)

  • Quantify the quantity of information captured by each variable,

  • Being able to quantify the quality of representation for one individual or one variable

Practical considerations

Normalizing inertia

Total Inertia of the scaled dataset depends on the number of individual.

It is common to define a scaled Inertia to get rid of\(n\).

\[I^{s} = \frac{1}{n} I,\]

We also define the Covariance matrix \(\Sigma\)

\[\Sigma = \frac{1}{n} X^\intercal X,\] and we considered the SVD for \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}} X.\)

This is generally the implemented version.

SVD of \(X^\intercal X\) instead of \(X\)

As we are mainly interesting in \(Q\), \(d\times d\) matrix (not \(P\) the \(n\times n\) matrix) and the square of the eigen values, it is more efficient to consider the SVD of \(\Sigma\) directly.


  • The matrix \(Q^\intercal\) transform the original canonical basis \((e_1, \cdots, e_d)\) of \(\R^d\) in the new ACP basis \((v_1, \cdots, v_d)\); .

  • In the new basis variable \(k\),

\[ \sum_{j=1}^d \sqrt{\sigma_j^2} q_{kj} v_j = \begin{pmatrix} \sigma_1 q_{1j}, \cdots, \sigma_d q_{dj} \end{pmatrix}^\intercal\]

Palmer Penguins example

## the core scale function normalizes by n-1 instead of n
scale2 <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE) (x - mean(x, na.rm = na.rm)) / ( sqrt((length(x)-1) / length(x)) *sd(x, na.rm) )

X <- penguins |> 
  mutate(year = as.factor(year))|>  ## year willnot be considered as numerical variable
  select(where(is.numeric)) |>      ## select all numeric columns
  mutate_all(list(scale2))          ## and scale them

n <- nrow(X) # number of individuals
d <- ncol(X)

X_mat <- X |>  as.matrix()          ## the data point matrix 
X_norm_mat <- 1/sqrt(n) * X_mat     ## the version considered to get rid of the number of individuals

X_mat_trace <- sum( diag(t(X_mat)%*% X_mat) )  # n d 
X_norm_mat_trace <- sum( diag( t( X_norm_mat)%*% X_norm_mat ) )  # d

penguins_svd <- svd( t(X_mat)%*% X_mat )
penguins_norm_svd <- svd( t(X_norm_mat)%*% X_norm_mat )

## eigenvalues
penguins_eigenvalue <- penguins_svd$d
[1] 1332
penguins_norm_eigenvalue <- penguins_norm_svd$d
[1] 4



Palmer Penguins example

penguins_Q <- penguins_svd$u
penguins_norm_Q <- penguins_norm_svd$u

## From orginal variable to new basis
## t(Q) %*% t(X[1,]) for 1st individual
## t(Q) %*% t(X) for all individuals, or in order to keep individual in lines
## X %*% Q 

coord_newbasis <- X_mat %*% (penguins_Q) 
coord_norm_newbasis <- X_norm_mat %*% (penguins_Q) 

coord_newbasis <- coord_newbasis |> 
  as_tibble() |> 
  rename(Dim1 = V1, Dim2 = V2, Dim3 = V3, Dim4 = V4)

ggplot(coord_newbasis) + aes(x= Dim1, y = Dim2) + geom_point()

#ggplot(coord_newbasis) + aes(x= Dim1, y = Dim2) + geom_point()

#dist(coord_norm_newbasis[1:5,]) * sqrt(n)
X_C <- as.matrix(coord_newbasis)
          1         2         3         4
2 0.7576266                              
3 1.2500130 0.9980553                    
4 1.0773914 1.2792018 0.9767689          
5 1.1679522 1.6632525 1.4687302 0.8784467
          1         2         3         4
2 0.7576266                              
3 1.2500130 0.9980553                    
4 1.0773914 1.2792018 0.9767689          
5 1.1679522 1.6632525 1.4687302 0.8784467
          1         2         3         4
2 0.7576266                              
3 1.2500130 0.9980553                    
4 1.0773914 1.2792018 0.9767689          
5 1.1679522 1.6632525 1.4687302 0.8784467
          1         2         3         4
2 0.7175826                              
3 0.5146672 0.2886753                    
4 0.0545691 0.7139414 0.5300224          
5 0.7883291 1.3981852 1.1195367 0.8306741

Global quality of the representation

Let \(C_{12}\) designs the plan defined by \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) and let \(X^{C}\) be the coordinates of the individuals in the new basis.

The information preserved by projection is \[\begin{align} I_{C_{12}^\perp} & = \sum_{i=1}^n \left ( \left(x^{C}_{i1)}\right)^2 + \left(x^{C}_{i2}\right)^2 \right) \cr & = tr\left( \left(X^{C}_{,1:2}\right)^\intercal X^{C}_{,1:2}\right)\cr & = \lambda_1^2 + \lambda^2_2\cr & = n (\sigma_1^2 + \sigma^2_2)\cr \end{align}\]

cat("On plan 12: ", sum(penguins_eigenvalue[1:2]), ".\n")
cat("Working with the correlation matrix (/n), sum of eigenvalues is ", sum(penguins_norm_eigenvalue[1:2]), ". \n This has to be multiply by the size of the dataset to get inertia:", sum(penguins_norm_eigenvalue[1:2]) * n, "\n")

cat("This is easier to appreciate when expressed  as a propotion of total inertia:",  round(sum(penguins_norm_eigenvalue[1:2])/sum(penguins_norm_eigenvalue)*100,2),"%. \n")
On plan 12:  1173.316 .
Working with the correlation matrix (/n), sum of eigenvalues is  3.523473 . 
 This has to be multiply by the size of the dataset to get inertia: 1173.316 
This is easier to appreciate when expressed  as a propotion of total inertia: 88.09 %. 

Representing jointly initial variables and principal components

To understand the links between original and new variables, or between original variables themselve.

new_var_coord <- diag(sqrt(penguins_norm_eigenvalue))%*%t(penguins_norm_Q)

## for graphical purpose
new_var_coord_df <- t(new_var_coord) |> as_tibble() |> rename(C1=V1, C2= V2, C3 =V3, C4 = V4)
circle_df <- data.frame(theta = seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = 501)) |> 
  mutate(x = cos(theta), y  = sin(theta))

ggplot(new_var_coord_df) + geom_point(aes(x=C1, y=C2)) + coord_fixed() + xlim(c(-1,1)) + ylim(c(-1,1)) + 
  geom_segment(aes(x=rep(0,4), y = rep(0,4), xend=C1, yend = C2),  arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.5, "cm"))) +
  geom_path(data = circle_df, aes(x=x, y=y)) +
  annotate("text", label = colnames(X), x = new_var_coord_df$C1  + 0.05, y = new_var_coord_df$C2- 0.05)

Quality fo the representation of the variables

  • The quality of the projection on a component \(j\) depends on the angle \(\theta_{ij}\) between the original variable and \(C^j\).

\[cos(\theta_{ij})^2 = \frac{(C_j^T X^i)^2}{\norm{X^i}\norm{X^i}} = \sigma^2_j q_{ij}^2\]

  • The quality of the projection on a the plan \((C^1C^2)\) depends on the angle \(\theta_{i,1-2}\) between the original variable and the projection plan.

\[ cos(\theta_{i,1-2})^2 = \sum_{j=1}^2 \frac{(C_j^T X^i)^2}{\norm{X^i}\norm{C^j}} = \sum_{j=1}^2 \sigma^2_j q_{ij}^2\]

## quality of the representation for variable 1 on teh different axis

## quality of the projection on plan C1-C2
sum((new_var_coord[,1]^2 )[1:2])
[1] 0.565246607 0.280304201 0.152175611 0.002273581
[1] 0.8455508

Visualizing individuals

  • \(X\) is the matrix of individuals on the original basis, \(XQ\) is the matrix of individual in the new basis (no information lost)

  • To visualizing the dataset, we can project on the two first dimensions of the new basis

XQ <- X_mat %*% penguins_norm_Q

XQ_df <- XQ |> 
  as_tibble() |> 
  rename(C1 = V1, C2 = V2, C3 = V3, C4 = V4)

ggplot(XQ_df) + geom_point(aes(x=C1, y=C2)) 


Quality of representation of individual \(i\) on the plan

  • The angle between the original individual vector \(i\) and component \(j\):

\[cos(\theta_{ij})^2 = \frac{( X_i Q^j)^2}{\norm{X_i}^2} \]

Contribution to the axe \(C_i\)

The total inertia on component \(1\) is \(\sigma^2_i = \sum_{i=1}^n (XQ)_{i1}^2\).

Individual \(i\) contributes for \((XQ)_{i1}^2/\sigma^2_i\)

Practically speaking

It is way simpler !!!

You can have a look at the book Husson, Lê, and Pagès [HLP11] and visit François Husson MOOC, author of the FactoMineR package.

# install.packages('FactoMineR')
# install.packages('FactoShiny')

penguins_pca <- PCA(X, ncp = ncol(X), graph = FALSE)




plot(penguins_pca, axes = c(1,2), choix = "ind")

plot(penguins_pca, axes = c(3,4) , choix = "var")

The Doubs River example
