class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Bayesian calculus ## Implementing MCMC ### Marie-Pierre Etienne, Etienne Rivot ###
### M2 Mode - Data science --- <script type="text/x-mathjax-config"> MathJax.Hub.Config({ TeX: { extensions: ["color.js", "HTML.js"] }}); </script> <!-- F1D763 --> <!-- F7A913 --> <!-- C94326 --> <!-- 1F908E --> <!-- 33658A --> ## Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm (MCMC) ### Metropolis Hastings algorithm .rouge[Key idea:] building a reversible Markov chain with `\([\theta\vert y]\)` as stationnary distribution -- 1. Initialization `\(\theta^{(0)}\)` an admissible initial value 2. For i in 1:nIter + Propose a new candidate value `\(\theta_c^{(i)}\)` sampled from a proposal distribution `\(g(. \vert \theta^{(i-1)})\)` + Compute Metropolis Hastings ratio $$ r_i=\class{bleu}{\frac{[y\vert \theta_c^{(i)}] [\theta_c^{(i)} ] }{[y\vert \theta^{(i-1)}] [\theta^{(i-1)} ] } } \class{rouge}{\frac{g(\theta^{(i-1)} \vert \theta_c^{(i)})}{g(\theta_c^{(i)} \vert \theta^{(i-1)})}}$$ + Define $$ \theta^{(i)} =\left \lbrace \begin{array}{l} \theta_c^{(i)} \mbox{ with probability } min( r_i,1) \cr \theta^{(i-1)} \mbox{ with probability } 1-min( r_i,1) \cr \end{array}\right.$$` --- ## Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm (MCMC) ### Generic Implementation .pull-left[ ```r # [Y|theta] likelihood<- function(theta, y){ } ``` ```r # [theta] dprior <- function(theta){ } ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r # d(theta_c|theta_i-1) dstep <- function(theta1, theta2){ } ``` ```r # sample theta_prop from theta rstep <- function(theta){ } ``` ] ```r ratio_MH <- function(theta_prop, theta_c, ...){ ratio_post <- likelihood(theta_prop) * dprior(theta_prop) / (likelihood(theta_c) * dprior(theta_c)) ratio_step <- dstep(theta_prop, theta_c) / dstep(theta_c, theta_prop) return(ratio_post * ratio_step) } ``` --- ## Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm (MCMC) ### Beta Binomial model `$$Y\vert \mathcal{B}in(N, p), \quad p\vert \mathcal{B}eta(1,1)$$` ### Data `\(N= 10, y=3\)` ### Propose a MCMC algorithm --- ## Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm (MCMC) ### Implementation for a beta Binomial model ```r # [Y|theta] likelihood<- function(theta, y, N){ if(theta$p < 0 | theta$p > 1) { return(0) } else { return(dbinom(x = y, size = N, prob = theta$p)) } } ``` ```r # [theta] dprior <- function(theta, a.prior = 1, b.prior =1){ dbeta(theta$p, shape1 = a.prior, shape2 = b.prior) } ``` --- ## Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm (MCMC) ### Implementation for a beta Binomial model ```r # d(theta_c|theta_i-1) dstep <- function(theta1, theta2, sd.explore = 0.1){ dnorm(theta2$p, mean = theta1$p, sd = sd.explore) } ``` ```r # sample theta_prop from theta rstep <- function(theta, sd.explore = 0.1){ theta_prop= list() theta_prop$p <- rnorm(1, mean = theta$p, sd = sd.explore) return(theta_prop) } ``` --- ## Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm (MCMC) ### Implementation for a beta Binomial model ```r # sample theta_prop from theta ratio_MH <- function(theta_prop, theta_c, a.prior = 1, b.prior = 1, sd.explore = 0.1, y = y, N = N){ ratio_post <- likelihood(theta_prop, y, N) * dprior(theta = theta_prop, a.prior = a.prior, b.prior = b.prior) / (likelihood(theta_c, y, N) * dprior(theta = theta_c, a.prior = a.prior, b.prior = b.prior)) ratio_step <- dstep(theta1 = theta_prop, theta2 = theta_c, sd.explore = sd.explore) / dstep(theta1 = theta_c, theta2 = theta_prop, sd.explore = sd.explore) return(ratio_post * ratio_step) } ``` --- ## Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm (MCMC) ### Implementation for a beta Binomial model ```r ## data y = 3; N = 10 ## init p_init = 0.5 ## prior a.prior = 1; b.prior = 1 ## algo parameters n_iter <- 10000; sd.explore = 0.2 ##sampling theta_sample <- tibble(p = rep(NA, n_iter)) ## initialisation theta_sample$p[1] <- p_init ## algo for(i in 2:n_iter){ theta_prop <- rstep(theta = theta_sample[i-1,], sd.explore = sd.explore) u <- ratio_MH(theta_prop = theta_prop, theta_c = theta_sample[i-1,], a.prior = a.prior , b.prior = b.prior, sd.explore = sd.explore, y =y, N =N) if( runif(1) < u ){ theta_sample[i,] <- theta_prop } else { theta_sample[i,] <- theta_sample[i-1,] } } ``` --- ## Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm (MCMC) ### Implementation for a beta Binomial model ```r theta_sample %>% rowid_to_column(var = "iter") %>% ggplot() + aes(x = iter, y =p) + geom_line() ``` <img src="simpleMCMC_files/figure-html/plot_history-1.png" width="35%" /> --- ## Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm (MCMC) ### Implementation for a beta Binomial model ```r p1 <- theta_sample %>% ggplot() + aes(x = p) + geom_histogram(aes(y =after_stat(density)), alpha = 0.5) + geom_density() p1 ``` ``` ## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`. ``` <img src="simpleMCMC_files/figure-html/plot_histogram-1.png" width="35%" /> --- ## Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm (MCMC) ### Implementation for a beta Binomial model ```r posterior_exact <- tibble(p = seq(0,1, length.out = 10001)) %>% mutate(posterior = dbeta(p, shape1 = a.prior + y, shape2 = b.prior + N - y)) p1 + geom_line(data = posterior_exact, aes(x=p, y =posterior), col = 'red') ``` ``` ## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`. ``` <img src="simpleMCMC_files/figure-html/compare_histogram-1.png" width="35%" />