This starting course for Smart Data master student can be found here
Seminar are designed to explore different subjet around the backbone of the Smart Data courses. Hidden Markov Model in Ecology introduces HMM and the related algorithms with illustration on Movement Ecology.
This course is a basic introduction of the control versionning system git. We will also make use of the Github plateform.
You can find the book written collaboratively by students as a project for the Online Collaborative Resources course here and the material of the git intro is here
Attending this course requires
This course is open to students from Datascience and MODE.
The slides are available here
Implementing your own Metropolis Hastings algorithm here
A first example using JAGS here
Some gentle reminders on classical probability distributions frequently used in Bayesian modelling approaches here)
Presentation count data tutorial available here Count data tutorial available here
As part of the Tropical Forest Ecology Master in Kourou, French Guyana, I teach a 15hours course on linear modelling. Since 2021, online teaching has becomed a potential option (at least it was in 2021 and 2022). Therefore I have recorded my lectures. The whole course (in French) is available on this page